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Farmable Pro

What is it? Who is it for? Why do you need it? What does it cost?

Enja Matthee avatar
Written by Enja Matthee
Updated over a week ago

Farmable Pro

Here is a summary of some of the features:

  • Export and/or print out your documented jobs and harvest entries (pdf, csv, xlsx)

  • Have audit-ready reports in real time

  • Display in-app warning signs for potential hazards due to spray and crop treatment

  • Display in-app warning signs for pre-harvest intervals and re-entry times for each field

  • Receive warnings when violating product label requirements

  • Collecting and storing operators’ confirmation that safety rules were followed when completing jobs

See other support articles for:

In addition:

Delta-T is a support indicator for spray conditions in the Farmable App. This feature requires that you connect a weather station on your farm to ensure even more accurate spray decision support.

Read more in the following support articles:

Connect weather stations on farm to Farmable. View your station on the field map, and get quarterly weather updates right in the app.

At the moment, you can already connect your Davis WeatherLink. We are working on integrating more weather station providers, such as Sencrop, Metos and others.

Farmable Pro is not only suited for any farming operation that requires reporting for audits but also for smaller farms looking to improve their digitalization with reporting, and effective and informed decision-making.

If you need any further assistance, Contact us

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