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Are reports and exports from Farmable compliant with global standards for good agricultural practices (GAP)?
Are reports and exports from Farmable compliant with global standards for good agricultural practices (GAP)?

Learn what data and information are recorded automatically

Max Bangen avatar
Written by Max Bangen
Updated over a week ago

Using the standard jobs, such as spray, fertilise or fertigate you collect most, if not all, mandatory data and information required by international quality standards for good agricultural practices, such as Global G.A.P., Freshcare and many more.

When looking through the official Global G.A.P documentation for treatment documentation, it states your should make sure to record the following:

  • Field name, crop category and variety

  • Area (in ha/sqm/ac) treated

  • Date and time of application

  • Cause for spraying

  • Products used with application rate, withholding period, active ingredient etc.

  • Operator who sprayed

  • Equipment used

  • Water consumption per field

  • Weather (temperatures, precipitation and wind) at time of application

All these mandatory reporting requirements can be recorded with Farmable and downloaded using the reports from Farmable.

What data is recorded and where can it be found in Farmable?

Information in your treatment logs (spray/fertilizer applications)

Hint: To view spray logs, go to the Web Portal > Logs.

Web Portal




Start &
Stop times

Treatment type
(spray, fertilize etc.)

Field name

Field area (size)

Crop category


Cause category

Specific cause

Products used
(for all label details see below)

Product application rate

(machinery used)

Equipment application rate

Water usage


Avg. speed

Distance driven

(job planner)

(job executer)

(job recommender)




Free text comment

Product label information

Hint: Add all product label details under products in the App and Web Portal

Web Portal



Product name

Application rate

Withholding period/
Pre-harvest interval

Active ingredient

Chemical group (FRAC/MAC/other)

Max. applications per year

Max. product volume per year

Application interval

Re-entry interval

Permitted treatment time

Note: Please verify beforehand that you can record all information required by your own certifications/quality standards with Farmable.

As there are many different standards out there, we cannot check every standard ourselves, but we are making sure to always be up-to-date with the most common, mandatory requirements.

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